Catherine Mattice* discusses some apps she has come across which she believes will help promote more inclusive workplaces.
Inclusion is probably the hottest topic in Human Resources right now (as well it should be).
Some savvy companies have figured out how to make inclusion a little easier on our instinctively biased and self-centred selves.
I got excited when I came across a few at a conference recently, and thought I’d share just so you’re aware of the possibilities.
We haven’t personally used any of them, nor are we sponsoring them in any way.
This is just me telling you about some cool stuff I thought you might be interested in.
So here we go.
Multicultural Calendar launches a calendar that contains the dates and descriptions of celebrations across many cultures.
Designed in a few different formats, the calendar is meant to celebrate diverse beliefs and traditions as well as to educate those interested in learning about other cultures.
I was lucky enough to get a sample of their 2018 calendar and boy was it insightful.
Seriously, who doesn’t like a reason to celebrate?
NameCoach started in schools as a way for teachers to learn how to pronounce students’ names correctly.
Pronouncing a person’s name right is a must in an inclusive world, so this app provides teachers with the ability to hear the correct pronunciation and avoid butchering names on the first day of school.
NameCoach is now extending into businesses and integrating with Learning Management Systems so that businesses can utilise the technology too.
Pronouncing someone’s name correctly may seem trivial in comparison to other diversity and inclusion initiatives, but I think it can make a huge difference.
It promotes an inclusive brand from the second you meet prospective employees, promotes a sense of belonging, and helps your team build rapport and strong relationships.
Everyday Inclusion, powered by Moxie Exchange, is designed to boost belonging in your organisation through inspiration, education, action, and measurement.
It provides workplace diversity scenarios, calendars, and a dictionary, tips for stopping bias, and much more.
For example, it has a dictionary to educate employees on gender identity.
It also includes a measurement tool for inclusion initiatives.
As consultants, Civility Partners is always looking to recommend programs that can improve organisational culture and I see potential in these.
*Catherine Mattice is a professional workplace consultant and trainer. She can be contacted at
This article first appeared on Catherine’s blogsite.