The 2018 ACT Violence Prevention Awards have been presented to organisations and individuals for their contributions towards preventing violence against women and children in Canberra.
Announcing the awards, the Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, Yvette Berry (pictured) said violence against women and children remained a major issue for the community.
“One that can only be solved with action and commitment from everyone — Government, community services, in workplaces, in schools, in sports, and in people’s homes,” Ms Berry said.
“Each of the recipients have worked to make this community safer and raise awareness of violence against women and children in our community; worked to change attitudes and behaviour to support an anti-violence culture, or developing innovative ways to prevent violence.”
She said the recipients of the awards were:
Everyman – Partner Contact program, changing and developing ways to prevent violence against women and children.
Menslink – programs changing and breaking the cycle of violence.
UnionsACT Women’s Committee – championing a change of culture within the workplace and pushing for paid leave for victims of domestic violence.
Veterinary Support for Domestic Violence Crisis Service (DVCS) clients.
Lyneham High School – DARE student lead program, changing attitudes and behaviour to support an anti-violence culture.
Amaroo School – LEADAS program a White Ribbon initiative.
ABC News – continuing the message around domestic violence, the work being done and what is still needed.
Vanitha Parekh – education for frontline staff.
DVCS Social Media Champions – using individuals to spread information around domestic violence.