The Department of Communities has announced that development has begun on a new smartphone app to give Queenslanders a way to help stop domestic and family violence.
The app is the result of collaboration with software developers and Telstra.
Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, Di Farmer said the app – Bystander – would show how to spot the signs of an unhealthy relationship of a loved one and give advice on intervening in a safe, proactive way.
“With one sixth of women and one 16th of men over the age of 15 experiencing domestic and family violence, the chances are we all know somebody living with violence,” Ms Farmer said.
“Government can’t go it alone on domestic and family violence; we all have a responsibility as bystanders to help.”
She said many people experiencing violence often did not know where to turn, so technology was being put to work to make identifying and reporting domestic violence as a bystander much easier.
“We all have a part to play in ending domestic and family violence. If you see it, hear it, or suspect it, report it — that’s how the Bystander app is designed to help,” Ms Farmer said.
General Manager of Queensland Government Business at Telstra, Gaven Nicholls said Telstra was proud to provide the technology and digital expertise for such an important cause.
“Telstra is committed to making a positive difference in the community for those affected by domestic and family violence,” Mr Nicholls said.
Ms Farmer said COVID-19 had created a perfect storm for many people under a dark cloud of domestic and family violence in their own home.
“In some homes, abuse of drugs and alcohol, job losses and money problems during the pandemic saw violence emerge as a never-before-seen family dynamic,” she said.
“By itself, the Bystander app won’t stop domestic and family violence, it needs you to look for the signs of violence, provide discreet support and report it.”
Development of the app is due to start this month.