The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has joined forces with Federal, State and Territory Anti-Corruption Commissions to launch 12 principles of ‘best practice’.
In signing the Best Practice Principles for Australian Anti-Corruption Commissions, the Chief Commissioner of ICAC, John Hatzistergos said Anti-Corruption Commissions had become an important element in the integrity frameworks in place at State, Territory and Federal levels.
Commissioner Hatzistergos said Anti-Corruption Commissions were important to investigate and report on allegations of corruption by public sector employees, holders of public office, individuals and entities contracted to perform public functions, and people responsible for spending public money.
“Anti-Corruption Commissions also perform an important corruption prevention role by exposing systemic risks and providing public education,” Commissioner Hatzistergos said.
“Supporting the public sector to strengthen its corruption resistance through information, advice and education is a vital role for Anti-Corruption Commissions and the key to building a public sector that acts with integrity for all Australians,” he said.
“These 12 principles are designed to capture the fundamental functions and powers of Anti-Corruption Commissions, noting this important role.”
Commissioner Hatzistergos said the principles included the ability to consider referrals from any third party, own motion powers and a requirement for the heads of public sector Agencies to report allegations of corruption to Anti-Corruption Commissions.
He said the principles also highlighted the importance of Commissions being able to compel information and documents, refer matters to prosecuting authorities, and make recommendations and public statements.
The widely supported principles were endorsed by ICAC Commissioners Helen Murrell and Paul Lakatos; Chief Commissioner of Law Enforcement Conduct Commission NSW, Peter Johnson; Integrity Commissioner of the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI), Jaala Hinchcliffe and Deputy Commissioner, Petra Gartmann; ACT Integrity Commissioner Michael Adams; Chairperson of the Crime and Corruption Commission in QLD, Bruce Barbour; WA Corruption and Crime Commissioner John McKechnie and Acting Commissioner Scott Ellis; Commissioner of Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission Victoria, Robert Redlich and Deputy Commissioners Stephen Farrow, Kylie Kilgour and David Wolf; Commissioner of Independent Commission Against Corruption SA, Ann Vanstone and Deputy Commissioner Paul Alsbury; Chief Commissioner of Integrity Commission Tasmania, Greg Melick; and Commissioner Ania Johnson; and Independent Commissioner Against Corruption NT, Michael Riches.
Further information on the 12 principles can be accessed at this PS News link.