26 September 2023

Antarctic adventure invites creatives

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Artists and creatives from across the country are being called to take their shot at a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience Antarctica, the sub-Antarctic and the Southern Ocean.

Opening applications for the Australian Antarctic Arts Fellowship, the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) said the Program focused on communicating the activities of the Australian Antarctic Program and the importance of the unique Antarctic and sub-Antarctic natural environment.

It said the Fellowship would also be looking for human stories and endeavours; Australia’s historical Antarctic and sub-Antarctic legacy; and the international treaty history, values and cooperation that shape Antarctica’s geopolitical significance.

“The Arts Fellowship advances these objectives through the work of people gifted in communicating through various media including (but not limited to) the visual arts, film-making, performance, writing and music,” the AAD said.

“Since its inception, the Fellowship has allowed generations of artists to capture Australia’s activities and legacy on the frozen continent and communicate their insights to others,” it said.

“(The) Fellowship aims to nurture the production of excellent and significant works of art and interpretation by professionals in the creative arts, humanities and social sciences.”

The AAD said the Fellowship took the form of either a ship voyage (or flight) to Antarctica or Macquarie Island, and associated logistical support, such as food, accommodation, transport and cold-weather clothing on loan.

The Division said it sought to provide Arts Fellowship participants with complete freedom in their work, however, successful applicants must agree to contractual obligations before embarking for Antarctica and regarding the completion of their project.

“Every effort will be made to provide all necessary support to Arts Fellows, however, each voyage and flight is undertaken on the basis that its primary purpose is to undertake or support Antarctic research programs, and that support for Arts Fellows may be limited by the operational requirements of these programs.”

It said the Program had been running since 1984 and Expressions of Interest (EOIs) in the Fellowship for the 2023/24 season were open until 4 April 2022.

Further information on the Australian Antarctic Arts Fellowship can be accessed at this PS News link.

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