Austrade Guide for exports
The Australian Trade and Investment Commission, Austrade has developed a new guide for Australian exporters who use e-commerce to do business overseas.
Online Exporting: A Guide for Australian Business is aimed at assisting exporters looking to access markets such as China, Japan, South Korea, and Indonesia.
The Guide forms part of Austrade’s initiative to develop relationships with major international online platforms, reduce barriers to exporting online and educate Australian exporters about new business models.
It covers a range of topics, including the online sales cycle, selling overseas from your own website and understanding the business models of major online sales platforms.
Fair Work audits fail half
The Fair Work Ombudsman has completed two audits of businesses in Adelaide and Darwin with each revealing around half the audited entities in breach of workplace laws.
In Adelaide 125 businesses were audited with 45 per cent found to be non-compliant and in Darwin 54 businesses yielded 46 per cent of businesses not paying their employees correctly and 30 per cent not meeting record-keeping and pay slip obligations.
The audits recovered $54,701 in wages and entitlements for 113 workers in Adelaide and 44 workers in Darwin received $20,722.
Cooperation for Defence sales
The Australian Defence Export Office and Austrade have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to engage dedicated local industry experts in key export markets.
The partnership will capitalise on whole-of-Government expertise and knowledge of foreign markets to assist the Defence industry to access greater export opportunities.
The MoU was signed following last month’s inaugural Defence Export Forum, which aims to provide an integrated national approach to Defence exports.
New prize for Defence artists
The Australian War Memorial has announced a new art prize for current and former Australian Defence Force personnel.
The Napier Waller Art Prize aims to promote the healing potential of art and raise a broader awareness of the military experience.
The winner will receive $10,000, with the winning work to be displayed at the Australian War Memorial and taken into its National Collection.
A prize of $5,000 will be awarded to the entry that wins People’s Choice.
Entries close on 11 July.
More information can be accessed at this PS News link.