26 September 2023

Adelaide Metro has new tickets on itself

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Adelaide Metro is saying goodbye to paper MetroTickets which will not be accepted on buses from 1 July with singletrips and daytrips currently available on paper, now available on a metroCARD.

Announcing the change, Adelaide Metro said passengers buying a singletrip or daytrip from Adelaide Metro or any metroCARD retailer will receive the metroCARD free.

“This offer ends on 30 June 2023, so be quick and grab your free metroCARD now,” the public transport service said.

“Then register and recharge it and keep using it to access the best-value fares”.

It said the offer does not include metroCARDs bought on a vending machine.

Explaining why it was phasing MetroTickets out, Adelaide Metro said the network-wide ticketing upgrade would make public transport simpler, safer and easier to use by introducing more easy ways to tap and pay.

“To extend Adelaide Metro Tap and Pay to all buses, we must replace the old MetroTicket/metroCARD validator on each bus with a new smart validator, which can’t validate paper tickets,” it said

It said that in the lead-up to 1 July, vending machines on board trams and trains will keep selling paper MetroTickets and vending machines in other (off-board) locations will stop selling paper MetroTickets.

“You will either need buy a metroCARD and recharge it on that machine, or: Go to a metroCARD retailer to buy a singletrip or daytrip on a free metroCARD; Buy a singletrip or daytrip on a free metroCARD from Adelaide Metro; or Buy a singletrip or daytrip on a free metroCARD from Adelaide Metro InfoCentre at Adelaide Railway Station”.

It said travellers who transfer with a MetroTicket to a bus that has a new smart validator (which can’t accept MetroTickets), should show their ticket to the driver before taking a seat.

“If you buy a Tap and Pay ticket on a tram or bus, and transfer to a bus which does not yet have a smart validator, please tell the driver, and then take a seat,” the service said.

“Please be aware that our inspectors can check that you do have a valid Tap and Pay ticket, and follow up accordingly if you do not.

“The free metroCARD offer ends 30 June,” Adelaide Metro said.

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