Sport and Recreation Victoria has opened the second round of its Get Active Kids Voucher Program with more of the vouchers up for grabs to help cover the cost of kid’s sport.
Minister for Community Sport, Ros Spence said the $200 vouchers would help families cover the costs of membership and registration fees, equipment, and uniforms, with more than 10,000 snapped up in the Program’s first round.
“Round one of the scheme opened doors to sport participation with 27 per cent of children who received a voucher joining a local sporting club for the first time,” Ms Spence said.
“About 40 per cent of voucher recipients also indicated they would not have been able to participate in their chosen sport or activity without the financial support provided by the program,” she said.
“Round two will increase the number of vouchers up for grabs, providing even more families with the opportunity for their kids to join in the fun at local clubs and groups across the State.”
Ms Spence said that to be eligible for the Program kids needed to be aged four to 18; a Victorian resident; named on a valid Commonwealth Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card; and named on a valid Medicare Card at the time of application.
The Minister said the Program also provided a special consideration stream to support children named on their own Health Care Card; temporary or provisional visa holders; undocumented migrants; and international students aged four to 18 years.
She said applications were open until 9 July and the eligible expenditure dates were from 1 January to 9 July this year.
Further information on the voucher Program can be accessed at this PS News link.