The literacy and numeracy skills of ACT teachers are in for a major upgrade with the Education and Training Directorate entering a partnership with the University of Canberra (UC) to give teachers more opportunities for professional learning.
The upcoming ACT Budget is to include $9.2 million over four years to fund the new measures, which aim to empower learning professionals in the ACT’s schools.
Minister for Education, Yvette Berry said that after students themselves, the most significant factors in the outcomes achieved in schools were the expertise and professionalism of teachers.
Ms Berry said funds had been allocated for the partnership because it was at UC that many of the ACT’s teachers gained their initial and postgraduate qualifications.
“This university partnership will also provide teachers with opportunities for professional learning through research collaboration, growing the University of Canberra as a centre for excellence in teaching,” Ms Berry said.
“In this Budget, the ACT Government will also implement a new teacher mentor program where school leaders will be provided with better training in mentoring and supporting teachers who are at the beginning their careers in one of the ACT’s public schools.”
She said the Government would also deliver the equivalent of 66 additional learning professionals and support staff for local public schools and lock in support for students with disability.
UC said the partnership would include funding for research and scholarships for teachers to complete postgraduate programs, including the UC’s new Master of Teaching.