The Territory’s laws and regulations are to be tested to ensure they are written in gender-neutral language and will be corrected if not.
Introducing the Statute Law Amendment Bill 2022, Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury said the Bill would update almost 40 pieces of ACT legislation with gender-neutral language, in line with current legislative drafting practice.
“References in the acts and regulations to ‘he’ or ‘she’, ‘his or her’, ‘him or her’ and ’himself or herself’ will be deleted in favour of ‘they’, ‘their’, ‘them’, ‘themself’ or the relevant noun,” Mr Rattenbury (pictured) said.
He said the use of gender-neutral language was important to create an accepting and inclusive Canberra.
“Language is important and powerful,” the Attorney-General said.
“Many Canberrans are gender diverse and Canberra is an inclusive and welcoming community,” he said.
“It is time that the language of our legislation reflects that.”
Mr Rattenbury said the use of personal pronouns in the masculine or feminine were simply no longer appropriate in ACT legislation.
He said the use of gender-neutral language in society was important to reflect and foster an accepting, inclusive, and progressive Canberra community.
“Using gender-fair and inclusive language also helps reduce gender stereotyping, promotes social change and contributes to achieving gender equality.”