25 September 2023

ACT car fleet to go emission free

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The ACT Government’ car fleet is to be converted to zero emission vehicles as part of a new action plan to transition the Territory to using zero emission vehicles and e-bikes.

Launched by the Ministers for Climate Change, Sustainability, Transport and City Services, the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate’s Transition to Zero Emissions Vehicles Action Plan 2018-2021 has been released to cement the ACT as the national leader in zero emissions vehicles.

Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, Shane Rattenbury said the Action Plan would further enhance the ACT Government’s reputation as a world leader in sustainability.

“The plan contains a variety of actions, including a Government commitment to a zero emission vehicle fleet, new charging infrastructure, and incentives for consumers to purchase zero emission vehicles,” Mr Rattenbury said.

“Tackling climate change means tackling transport pollution, and zero emission vehicle technology is a key part of this.”

Minister for Transport and City Services, Meegan Fitzharris said electric vehicle ownership in Canberra already had many benefits.

“Zero emissions vehicles cause less air and noise pollution, have lower running costs, don’t incur stamp duty and receive a 20 per cent discount on registration fees,” Ms Fitzharris said.

“Electric bikes also help make it easier and cheaper for people to get around our city while getting exercise at the same time.”

She said that by 2020 the ACT would be powered by 100 per cent renewable electricity, meaning the city’s biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions — at over 60 per cent — would be transport.

Ms Fitzharris said the Directorate was undertaking a trial of two battery electric buses and a hybrid bus running on diesel and had an e-bike fleet for ACT PS employees to use, and was facilitating installation of charging points across the city.

The Directorate’s 12-page Action Plan can be accessed at this PS News link.

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