ACT Government Agencies have combined forces to assess the scope of Canberrans’ information that may be compromised in the recent Optus data breach.
In a statement, the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD) said that Access Canberra and the Digital, Data and Technology Group were working together, and continuing to engage with Optus and the Australian Government, to assess the scope of information compromised, to what extent this affected ACT residents, and to inform any further steps to protect those affected.
“As part of this, the ACT Government is working through the issue of replacement driver licence cards for Canberrans who have had both driver licence numbers and card numbers compromised,” CMTEDD said.
“Services provided to ACT Government are not impacted and ACT Government Optus account holders are not affected,” it said.
“However, the ACT Government’s current understanding is that personal Optus account holders’ information, including driver licence numbers, have been compromised.”
CMTEDD said Access Canberra had established a FAQ page on its website which would be updated as new information became available, “including any next steps Canberrans can take, once they are finalised”.
“Alternatively, customers who believe they are affected can contact the dedicated team on 13 22 81 and selecting option one to leave their details; all customers who do this will be contacted by Access Canberra once the next steps are identified,” the Directorate said.
“The ACT Government is closely following the Optus data breach that occurred on 22 September,” it said.
“We are aware that this is distressing for many Canberrans who have been contacted by Optus about personal information they have provided to Optus.”
Access Canberra’s FAQ webpage on the data breach can be accessed at this PS News link.