Whatever we may think of the business dynamic, we know it’s going to change.
We have to look to the future to find how it will change, how we can adjust and what exciting opportunities will we see.
Oh yes, and those little ‘AI’ machines will bring about all manner of possibilities, but will life get easier or is it a complicated set of algorithms to contend with?
Listening to Professor Genevieve Bell, a cultural anthropologist, technologist and futurist best known for her work at the intersection of cultural practice and technology development who traced the development of the steam engine and the impact that had on the world to today’s optimistic future where those pesky algorithms rule, being optimistic is the only way to cope.
And as one in a continuing series for accountants it is enlightening to hear complex future predictions – or as they call it VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) – with the question: are we as a community doing enough to keep up?
Just get me one of those perky little AIs to do the menial tasks and I’ll be happy.