26 September 2023

QATAR: Government meets to promote cooperation

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The Civil Service and Government Development Bureau has organised the first government development meeting of 2023 with 150 representatives from 34 government agencies participating.

The meeting was aimed at the importance of cooperation among government sector agencies, in particular implementing joint plans through planning, quality and innovative Departments in Government agencies.

President of the Civil Service and Government Development Bureau Abdulaziz bin Nasser bin Mubarak Al Khalifa said it was important partnership and cooperation spread the culture of development in all Government institutions, achieving aspirations for developing government services, raising their efficiency and winning the trust and satisfaction of customers.

His Excellency pointed to the need to hold periodic meetings to develop future visions and ideal solutions in order to achieve the highest levels of development for civil human resources in government agencies.

He said it would be observations and proposals by specialists in planning, quality and innovation that contributed improving services, while setting the necessary standards to facilitate their development at the present time and within future plans.

He highlighted the role of planning, quality and innovation among departments, which have become part of organisational structures of institutions recently given their role as the guarantor of positive change and development in all government agencies.

For the Civil Service and Government Development Bureau, the Government service strategy included several axes to evaluate the current situation, identifying priority services, identifying targeted services through standard measurement in delivery and service excellence models.

It also identified targeted services for change in the State of Qatar and the development of transitioning strategy by identifying the main gaps between the future State to be reached by the current state.

The meeting touched on the “Sharek” project which aimed at improving services based on the experience of customers, through all communication channels and by knowing the opinions and evaluation of the community for services.

Under the project, a customer experience team will improve the customer experience by analysing the reasons of complaints, developing solutions to them, and translating them into reports and recommendations.

A program for training and empowering government employees in the field of innovation was also discussed and through the program, the Civil Service and Government Development Bureau now aims to raise the efficiency of government employees, especially in dealing with government services, identifying customers observations, and developing solutions.

Doha, 1 February 2063

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