26 September 2023

Confessional sanctuary no more for offenders

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New legislation now requires Ministers of Religion to report information about child sexual abuse, including information gained in Confession.

Under the new laws, failure to make a mandatory report is an offence with a maximum penalty of $6,000.

The Children and Community Services Amendment Act 2021 implements the key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The changes also extend mandatory reporting requirements to early childhood, out-of-home care and youth justice workers, as well as registered psychologists and school counsellors.

Staff of the Department of Communities will also become mandatory reporters under the new laws.

The Department’s Royal Commission Implementation Team has been working with a wide range of faith and religious organisations to prepare them for the new legislation, which includes providing free mandatory reporting training.

Minister for Child Protection, Simone McGurk said a clear message was being sent that nobody was above the law, including Ministers of Religion.

“It’s never ok to turn a blind eye to child abuse,” Ms McGurk said, “the safety of children must always come first, and perpetrators must be held to account.”

“For far too long abusers have been able to hide behind religion. It’s a shameful hypocrisy that compounds the trauma for victim survivors and enables perpetrators to go on to abuse more children.”

She said the courage shown by those who bravely shared their experiences during the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse would not be ignored.

More information about the Royal Commission’s findings can be accessed at is PS News link.

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