NSW Public Servants can now access a new parental leave entitlement, with the Public Service offering paid fertility treatment leave to support employees undergoing fertility treatment.
Issuing M2022-09 – Paid Leave in the Event of a Miscarriage, Pre-Term Birth or When Undergoing Fertility Treatment, the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) said the new entitlement was in addition to the leave NSW public sector employees have been able to access in the event of a miscarriage or pre-term birth since 1 July 2021.
“Where an employee is absent from work to undergo fertility treatment, the employee is entitled to up to five days paid special fertility treatment leave per calendar year,” DPC said.
“Leave as defined above is non-cumulative and can be taken in part-days, single days, or consecutive days,” it said.
“Paid special fertility treatment leave must not be taken concurrently with any other form of leave.”
DPC said the paid special fertility treatment leave was not available to a partner of a person undergoing fertility treatment.
It said to access the special fertility treatment leave, the employee may be required to provide a medical certificate confirming the fertility treatment.
“These leave provisions are to be adopted by all Public Service Departments and Agencies, and other Government Sector Agencies, and State-Owned Corporations are strongly encouraged to provide the same leave provision to their employees,” the Department said.
Memorandum 2022-09 replaces M2021-11 Paid Leave in the Event of a Miscarriage or Pre-Term Birth, with minor alterations to the sections on leave in the event of a miscarriage and leave in the event of a pre-term birth to bring it into line with the recently issued M2022-08 – Paid Parental Leave.
M2022-09 can be accessed at this PS News link.