26 September 2023


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Reviewed by Rama Gaind.

By Jo Alilovic, Publish Central, $29.95.

Homeforce is all about building a powerful, engaged and connected home-based team.

When work from home orders came with COVID in 2020, the coronavirus pandemic brought about more change in the way we worked than we’ve seen in the last 100 years.

It’s the greatest ‘work from home experiment’ ever. Up until that point, flexible working options like working from home were reserved for the privileged few. The pandemic changed that. If business was to continue, people needed to work from home.

Shelves at retail stores were empty of more than hand sanitiser and toilet paper when COVID-19 became a reality. Keyboards, computer screens, webcams, desks and office chairs … all the things that were needed to establish a home office. Everybody was doing it. Remote work was now a business essential, not a privilege for the trusted few.

“The pandemic, although horrible, has shown the business world and individuals what is possible. I sped up the evolution of work. It’s shown us we don’t need to be constrained by the limitations of buildings. For many, the only limitation now is how far the internet will reach.”

New remote work policies were created and the workforce was offered ‘as much flexibility as possible’.

As people stopped commuting, they found more time to spend in other ways – perhaps with children, exercising or enjoying their hobbies. “People saw what it was like to work in a way that wasn’t based on the old industrial concept of going to the factory, churning out the widget ad coming home. They got their life back. And many people preferred this new way of working.”

Now many people don’t want it to end. Employment lawyer Jo Alilovic has written a practical guide on how to make it work long-term, both for your team and your business.

What is Homeforce all about? If you answer correctly, you could win two copies of the book. Entries should be sent to [email protected] by Monday, 26 September 2022. Names of the winners will be announced in Frank Cassidy’s PS-sssst…! column on 27 September 2022.

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