Adelaide Metro is providing free public transport to and from the city on select Saturday nights during July so visitors can enjoy Illuminate Adelaide City Lights in the CBD.
Announcing the free travel, Adelaide Metro said it had applied to all bus, tram and train services to and from the city between 5pm and midnight last Saturday and the one before and would be available next Saturday (30 July) for those heading to the City Lights event.
It said the service would make it easier for people to enjoy the spectacle of art, light, sound and imagination, which runs from 6pm to 11pm until the end of the month (31 July).
“To access free travel, simply visit and download the digital map or present The Advertiser lift out from the Saturday paper to the driver or customer service staff when using public transport,” it said.
Adelaide Metro said due to the closure of Rundle Road to traffic between East Terrace and Dequetteville Terrace, some detours and stop closures would be in place for a small number of bus services.
“Passengers are encouraged to check their timetable in real time and plan their trip with our journey planner,” it said.
“Public transport passengers are also reminded to continue to wear a face mask while on-board or at (or moving through) stations.
“Please social distance wherever possible and do not travel if you are unwell.”
To help visitors navigate the event, Illuminate Adelaide has created a two-page City Lights map which can be accessed at this PS News link. The festival program at this link.