The State Government has strengthened its partnership with computing giant Microsoft as a way of ensuring Western Australia’s cyber security capabilities are as good as the world offers.
According to the Minister for Innovation and ICT, Stephen Dawson who is in Seattle USA, the State has secured an in-principle agreement to vary the Microsoft Common Use Arrangement (CUA) so it boosts the State’s cyber security capabilities.
Mr Dawson said the partnership already between Western Australia and Microsoft had already delivered for the State
“Digital technology is changing the way governments across the globe support their communities,” Mr Dawson said.
“We look forward to seeing the new opportunities that will be generated by extending our collaboration,” he said.
“This is one of the first steps in the State Government’s partnership with Microsoft, which aims to make WA one of the most digitally progressive economic locations in the world.”
Mr Dawson said the in-principle agreement to vary the CUA will support the Government by delivering more online services and better leveraging data to inform operations and improve cyber security capabilities.
“Under the CUA variation proposal, the State’s Enterprise Licence Agreement will be upgraded from E3+ to E5,” the Minister said.
“The advanced products assist with identifying threats across multiple Government environments using standardised tools which also assist with training at scale and establishing a knowledge base for threat intelligence and data sharing. “
Mr Dawson said the proposed variation of the CUA will support the State Government’s whole-of-Government Digital Strategy which aims to change the way the community interacts with Government and enhance its response to cyber security challenges.