Compliance Officers from four Victorian Regulatory Bodies have spent the past week from Monday (30 May) in the La Trobe Valley ensuring construction workers are meeting safety, environmental, building and plumbing compliance obligations.
Announcing the regional visits, the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) said the Build Aware campaign was a joint initiative with Energy Safe Victoria (ESV), WorkSafe Victoria and Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) which saw officers visit worksites to provide operators with information on laws that protected the community and the environment.
“Joint activities delivered by the regulators include industry trade breakfasts, joint inspections and educational presentations to local TAFE students,” the VBA said.
“During the week, ESV compliance officers will focus on dangers related to No Go Zones and the need for construction workers and machinery operators to be aware of overhead and underground electrical assets,” it said.
“WorkSafe will look to risks associated with exposure to asbestos and crystalline silica dust and remind employers and workers of the recent changes to the Occupational Health and Safety regulations, including the requirements to identify ‘high-risk’ crystalline silica work.
The VBA said its inspectors had been checking building and plumbing works, while EPA officers were ensuring that the construction and demolition industries were aware of their responsibilities around waste management at building sites.
It said the Build Aware campaign had previously targeted regional areas including Shepparton, Bairnsdale, Ballarat, Wodonga, Geelong, Bendigo and Warrnambool.