The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has gathered case studies from its interstate counterparts to help South Australian Public Servants prevent corruption in their organisations.
Releasing its first Around the Grounds for 2022, the ICAC said investigations, case studies, research, reports and other resources from interstate integrity Agencies could offer valuable information to assist public officers to prevent or minimise corruption, misconduct and maladministration in public administration.
The Commission said that among the case studies from the NSW ICAC was the finding that former NSW MLC, Ernest Wong engaged in serious corrupt conduct by misusing the privileges entitled to him as a member of the Legislative Council.
In further case studies, the ICAC said a Review Summary by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) in Victoria had found the falsification of preliminary breath test (PBT) results by Victoria Police.
“In 2018 Victoria Police advised IBAC that more than 250,000 PBTs appeared to have been falsified by some police officers, allegedly to meet testing quotas,” it said.
The Commission said the Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) regularly disseminated resources which highlighted specific corruption prevention lessons learnt through investigations into the Queensland Public Sector.
It said the CCC resources focused on case studies including: When conflicts of interest in procurement result in criminal convictions; Conflicts of interest and disclosing confidential information; and Organisational change and economic recovery: Managing the risks.
The ICAC said a recent Performance Audit Report by the ACT Auditor-General, Campbell Primary School Modernisation Project Procurement, concluded that the procurement process for the Campbell Primary School Modernisation Project lacked probity and that the ACT Education Directorate did not deal with the tenderers fairly, impartially and consistently.
“The problems uncovered by the Auditor-General raise the question whether other procurement processes have been affected in similar ways,” the ICAC said.