Plans to help keep Western Australians safe and secure when online are to include an expansion of the State’s cyber security services.
Announcing the plans, Minister for Innovation and ICT, Stephen Dawson said the Digital Capability Fund had allocated $25.5 million to facilitate secure data exchanges between Agencies and prevent, detect and respond to contemporary cyber threats and risks.
Mr Dawson said part of the allocation would also transform the Office of Digital Government’s Cyber Security Unit into the largest dedicated cyber security team in the State.
“It includes the roll out of additional cyber security services across the Public Service and establishes a new dedicated home for the Cyber Security Operations Centre,” he said.
“There will also be a range of jobs within the Cyber Security Unit on offer.”
Mr Dawson said the significant growth of cyber services offered technical and non-technical employment opportunities to the State’s cyber security sector, and would also build skills across Agencies to support their digital transformation journey.
The Minister said as cyber threats continued to evolve, investing in the State’s world-class Cyber Security Operations Centre meant Western Australians could be assured the important Government services they accessed would continue to be safe and their information secure.
“The Office of Digital Government is leading and coordinating digital transformation across Government to improve service delivery for all Western Australians,” he said.
“I encourage all qualified cyber security individuals to apply for the important roles on offer.”
Mr Dawson said the expansion of cyber services across the Public Sector would also generate local jobs and entry-level opportunities for people looking to get into the cyber security sector.