The State’s public libraries are to be provided with funding to assist community members with setting up the ServiceWA app.
In a statement, the State Library of Western Australia said the app was an important tool in the fight against COVID-19 and every Western Australian was encouraged to download it and use it to check in, show vaccination status at businesses, venues and events, and to store G2G travel passes.
“While use of the app is relatively simple, the set-up process can involve a number of steps which some people require assistance with,” the State Library said.
It said the $375,000 of funding could be used for extra staffing, translation services, outreach initiatives or other resources that would assist the community to better understand and use the ServiceWA app.
Minister for Culture and the Arts, David Templeman said local public libraries had already helped thousands of Western Australians download and use the ServiceWA app and would now be able to help thousands more.
“It is not always easy and I acknowledge and thank the staff for their efforts,” Mr Templeman said.
“There are 232 local libraries across the State, so the chances are that almost no matter where you live, there will be one close by,” he said.