26 September 2023

APSC updates misconduct rules

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The Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) has updated its guide for human resource managers on how to handle misconduct in the Australian Public Service (APS).

APS Commissioner, Peter Woolcott said the third edition of Handling Misconduct: A Human Resource manager’s guide had been revised to ensure it continued to meet the needs of Agencies and supported the institutional integrity of the APS as a whole.

“Handling Misconduct provides best-practice guidance to APS Agencies on addressing behaviour that does not meet the requirements of the APS Values, Employment Principles, and Code of Conduct,” Mr Woolcott said.

“This edition of the Guide provides a framework to help Agencies take a diagnostic approach to conduct concerns as they arise,” he said.

The Commissioner encouraged Agencies to consider behaviour in context, assess its seriousness and impact on public confidence in the APS, and to respond in a way that was corrective, restorative and proportionate.

“This edition also sets out a range of management strategies Agencies can put in place to improve individual behaviour, repair workplace relationships, and address systemic issues in cases where misconduct action would be disproportionate,” Mr Woolcott said.

“These strategies can also supplement misconduct processes where broader restorative action is needed.”

He said the Guide provided an explanation of the principles and legislative framework underpinning APS conduct requirements and misconduct action, and set out considerations for decision-makers at particular stages of the process.

“It is accompanied by a range of supplementary materials, including checklists and fact sheets on key topics,” Mr Woolcott said.

“Further resources will be added over time to address emerging areas of need.

Handling Misconduct supports Agencies to take action that is reasonable, proportionate and effective in strengthening trust in the integrity of the APS,” Mr Woolcott said.

The APSC’s 136-page Guide can be downloaded at this PS News link.

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