A Legislative Assembly Committee has announced an inquiry into the future of ACT Public Libraries.
Chair of the Standing Committee on Environment and Transport and City Services, Suzanne Orr said she wanted to hear from as many people as possible about what was working well in ACT Public Libraries, and what could be improved.
“The future of libraries is an important and evolving topic for communities and Governments in the digital world,” Ms Orr said.
“The Committee aims to make this inquiry accessible to a diverse range of Canberrans, both library members and non-members, so we can learn how libraries can engage with and provide services to different groups of people in the ACT.”
She said that in particular, the Committee would consider the role of libraries within the ACT community, and strategic planning for libraries.
Ms Orr said this will include current practice, potential revisions to current practice, opportunities for community involvement and the nature and extent of current and future community demand for different library services.
She said the Committee will also consider the extent to which ACT Libraries are positioned to respond flexibly to meet current and future community opportunities and demands.
The closing date for submissions is 21 September.
More information about the inquiry and the Committee’s terms of reference can be accessed at this PS News link.