25 September 2023

UNSW plugs in new cyber training centre

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The University of NSW (UNSW) has officially opened the headquarters of its UNSW Canberra Cyber in Campbell.

A digital forensics lab and virtualised computing are among the features of the new facility, which will address the growing need for high-level cybersecurity expertise and knowledge.

Director at UNSW Canberra Cyber, Nigel Phair said the requirement for high-level cybersecurity expertise and knowledge had never been greater.

“Through training and education, UNSW Canberra Cyber is working to combat threats to national security, the economy and the safety of individuals due to the exploitation of information systems and the proliferation of social media platforms,” Mr Phair said.

He said there had been a number of prominent cyber controversies, including the Cambridge Analytica Facebook scandal, the NSW Health data leak and the recent attack on The Australian National University.

Mr Phair said UNSW Canberra Cyber was housed in state-of-the-art training facilities, which included more capacity for face-to-face teaching and the ability to create a variety of virtual environments for participants to safely learn about malicious tools and software.

“Students will be introduced to electronic evidence collection and analysis in the digital forensics lab, while a supervisory control and data acquisition table will teach students how to secure control systems,” he said.

“UNSW Canberra Cyber’s programs range from professional education short courses through to postgraduate degrees.”

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