25 September 2023

ACT schools graduate to fresher tastes

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Thousands of ACT students from 19 primary schools are now benefitting from changes to the food and drink available in their schools due to the Fresh Tastes initiative.

The program helps the students choose healthy food and drinks.

Speaking at a Fresh Tastes graduation ceremony in place of the Minister for Health, Suzanne Orr MLA said the schools involved were supported over three years to take a whole-school approach and create a healthy food and drink culture.

Ms Orr said the schools involved had established flourishing kitchen gardens linked to the classroom and the canteen, as well as examples of students getting hands-on experience cooking healthy meals using their own freshly grown produce.

Fresh Tastes is also teaching students about the food groups and how to make healthier choices at home,” Ms Orr said.

“It’s fantastic to hear that more students are preparing and tasting fresh foods that they haven’t tried before and bringing more nutritious options to school in their lunchboxes.”

She said these 19 schools are joining the eight schools who graduated in 2017, while, over the next few years, another 66 ACT primary schools will graduate from Fresh Tastes.

“This is a testament to local schools committing to the health and wellbeing of their school communities,” Ms Orr said.

Ms Orr presented student representatives from each school with a graduation certificate and a vertical garden for their school, acknowledging their commitment to Fresh Tastes over the past three years.

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