NSW Health has issued new public health advice on how it plans to continue battling COVID-19 when the much-anticipated easing of lockdown rules and restrictions begins.
Minister for Health, Brad Hazzard said while high vaccination rates were the key factor in the State’s Roadmap to Recovery, the virus would continue to circulate in the community.
“We are closing in on the 70 per cent double dose mark and when we achieve it there will be significant changes to our public health advice and the key difference will be how that advice is applied to people who are vaccinated and to those who are not,” Mr Hazzard said.
“Vaccination will provide greater freedoms as our society opens up and it reduces the risk of you spreading the virus to someone vulnerable, which could cost them their life,” he said.
Mr Hazzard said some of the key public health advice for the general community would include a continued focus on getting tested for COVID-19 if symptomatic; a 14-day isolation period for anyone who tested positive to the virus; the Service NSW QR code check-in system would remain in place; and people over 16 years of age would only be allowed entry into some venues if they were fully vaccinated or had an exemption.
The Minister said fully vaccinated people could still be classified as a close contact of a COVID-positive person and would be required to get tested immediately and isolate for seven days, compared to 14 days for unvaccinated close contacts.
He said vaccinated people who had been classified as close contacts must get tested for COVID-19 again on day six after exposure.
“If a negative result is received and you are well, you can end isolation after day seven,” he said.
“For the following seven days you must work from home where practicable, not attend hospitality settings, and not attend a high-risk setting even if it is your place of work.”
Mr Hazzard said businesses would be responsible for taking reasonable measures to stop unvaccinated people entering their premises, including having prominent signs stating requirements; Service NSW QR codes; staff checking vaccination status upon entry; and only accepting valid forms of evidence of vaccination.
He said authorised officers would monitor businesses re-opening, particularly those that had vaccination requirements such as hospitality, retail, gyms and personal services.
“Penalties may apply for individuals and businesses who don’t comply,” he said.
“On-the-spot fines of $1,000 may apply to individuals for not complying, or for using fraudulent evidence of vaccination or check-in.”
Mr Hazzard said on-the-spot fines of $5,000 may apply to businesses for not complying with the Public Health Order vaccination requirements and further penalties may apply for significant breaches.
Chief Health Officer for NSW, Dr Kerry Chant said it was important to note that the new advice may be updated by NSW Health as case numbers and evidence changed.
“We will continue to do what we have done throughout this pandemic, which is to regularly update our advice, informed by experience, feedback and emerging evidence,” Dr Chant said.
“It is only in partnership that we can reopen in a safe way,” she said.
Further information on COVID-19 rules and restrictions can be accessed at this PS News link.