WorkSafe ACT, in partnership with the Australian Federal Police (AFP), has detected residential construction work and trades being undertaken illegally during the Territory’s lockdown.
Commissioner for Work Health and Safety, Jacqueline Agius said WorkSafe ACT Inspectors were on the lookout for non-essential work in order to support the COVID-19 public heath directions.
“WorkSafe Inspectors will be conducting random inspections of construction sites on weekends along with our business-as-usual inspections during normal business hours,” Commissioner Agius said.
“WorkSafe ACT continues to ensure health and safety of ACT workplaces to both continue to provide essential services and to ensure the safety and security of those workplace that must close,” she said.
Commissioner Agius said construction work could only be undertaken during the lockdown period if it was emergency work, or work that maintained safety and security.
The Commissioner said all construction sites had been provided a grace period to ensure the safety and security of the sites during lockdown and, while maintaining that safety and security may require a worker to attend a site, inspectors continued to find non-essential work being undertaken.
“If non-essential work is found by an inspector, there will be consequences,” she said.
“All work on commercial and residential construction sites must cease to support breaking the chain of infection in the Territory,” Commissioner Agius said.