The ACT Ombudsman has released his third quarterly update of the 2020–21 financial year, reporting on his and his Office’s activities from 1 January to 31 March.
The Ombudsman, Michael Manthorpe (pictured) said his Office received 158 complaints and finalised 167 in the January-March quarter, with the largest number of complaints received relating to ACT Corrective Services, followed by Housing ACT and Access Canberra.
“This quarter, I released an own motion investigation report on ACT Policing’s administrative framework for engagement with the ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community,” Mr Manthorpe said.
“I am pleased ACT Policing and the Australian Federal Police have agreed to act on the recommendations, in close consultation with the ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community,” he said.
“My Office will work with ACT Policing to monitor and where appropriate work in consultation with ACT Policing on, the implementation of these recommendations.”
Mr Manthorpe said his work with ACT Policing and AFP demonstrated the value of having both the ACT Ombudsman and Commonwealth Ombudsman functions together in one Office.
He said his Office held a face-to-face Freedom of Information practitioners’ forum, which involved over 30 representatives from ACT Government Agencies, and a Reportable Conduct practitioners’ forum.
He said that during the quarter his Office also recommenced face-to-face outreach at the Alexander Maconochie Centre.
“We welcome feedback to the Office about our ACT Ombudsman activities and these quarterly reports, as we continue to explore the most effective ways to influence improvements in ACT public administration,” Mr Manthorpe said.
He said feedback on his report could be provided to the Director of the ACT Strategy and freedom of information team at [email protected].
The Ombudsman’s 19-page report can be accessed at this PS News link.