25 September 2023

New game plan for club contributions

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Minister for Regulatory Services and Attorney-General, Gordon Ramsay has announced a review of the Canberra community clubs’ gaming machine contribution scheme.

Mr Ramsay said that as part of the review he would be consulting with the community and the club industry about potential changes with a view to maximising the direct benefit to the community from the scheme.

He said the Government would establish an independent charitable fund to distribute nominated community funds to charitable and community causes, which would be levied on venues operating electronic gaming machines in the ACT.

He said a range of voices had already come forward suggesting changes that might be made to the scheme.

“Last year there were reports by PwC and the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, and more recently I welcomed the Auditor-General’s findings and recommendations,” Mr Ramsay said.

“Over the next month, we want to hear the community and industry’s views about what is good about the scheme, and how it could be improved or changed.”

He said the review would also consider the experience of other jurisdictions with similar schemes and issues such as the appropriate distribution of community contributions for the purpose of gambling harm reduction and other community purposes, as well as the transparency of these arrangements.

“Changes identified as part of the review will be brought forward to the Assembly later in the year,” Mr Ramsay said.

“The review will also consider how best to implement any changes.”

He said the Justice and Community Safety Directorate will be in touch with clubs and other key stakeholders about how they can contribute to the review.

The broader community will be able to have their say through the Government’s YourSay website.

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