Reviewed by Rama Gaind.
By Jai Hobbs and Marlies Hobbs, Penguin Books, $29.99.
This handbook could well be a game-changer for young people looking to make life’s important financial decisions and reaching milestones, from high school and beyond.
An alarming trend was revealed after a survey in 2018 that fewer than 25 per cent of young people aged 17-24 could accurately answer five questions on financial literacy.
As the authors say: “It comes at a time when household debt is rising, the employment landscape is changing, housing affordability is in crisis, and our youth step into the workforce with a greater education debt than ever before”.
”The economic impacts resulting from the recent coronavirus pandemic highlight more than ever the importance of financial literacy and informed, empowered decision-making.”
Written especially for young people who want to set themselves up for financial freedom, it will allow them to make informed decisions and spread their wings as they embrace life – after school.
From the basics of opening a bank account, living within a budget and understanding debt to saving for those first big-ticket items, starting a job or striking out into the property market, F.L.Y.: Financially Literate Youth is the go-to reference guide for every situation life throws up. It also includes a motivating chapter on mindset and goal-setting, finishing with the Top Ten Tips You Need to Succeed, including, ‘Find Your Tribe’, ‘If You Don’t Know, Ask’, ‘Be Patient, Be Opportunistic’ and, of course, ‘Spread Your Wings and FLY!’
This is one of those books that have the power to change you for the better, complete with charts, diagrams, hints, examples and quotes. It has been written by husband-and-wife team who both share a passion to educate and inspire future generations. Marlies has been a property developer lawyer and Jai is a mortgage broker with more than 15 years’ experience
Can you tell us how many tips do you need to succeed? If your answer is correct, then you could be one of three winners to receive a copy of F.L.Y. Entries should be sent to [email protected] by Monday, 15 February 2021. Names of the winners will be announced in Frank Cassidy’s PS-sssst…! column on 16 February 2021.