The Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate (TCCS) has released a new kitchen table guide to encourage people across the city to get together to discuss the delivery of Government services.
Speaking on behalf of the Minister for Transport and City Services, Tara Cheyne MLA said the guide would help Canberrans consider the facts about Canberra’s city services, reflect on the changes they would like to see, and debate what was needed to improve services to create better suburbs in the future.
“In particular, we’re encouraging the community to look at city services priorities from different perspectives by completing the guide from the point of view of a parent with a young child, newcomer to Canberra, elderly resident, young worker, person living with a disability, or teenager,” Ms Cheyne said.
“The kitchen table guide is being made available ahead of a citizen’s forum to be held in July and August.”
She said the forum — a group of randomly selected Canberra residents — would develop a Better Suburbs Statement for a shared vision for city services in the future.
Ms Cheyne urged people to obtain a kit online or at any ACT Government public library branch and get together with a small group.
“Have the kitchen table discussion before 23 July, and let us know your thoughts,” she said.
The Citizen’s Forum will deliver the Better Suburbs Statement in September.
The five-page Kitchen Table Discussion Map can be accessed on the YourSay website at this PS News link.