The new Cabinet for the 10th ACT Legislative Assembly has committed itself to supporting Canberra’s economic recovery, investing in health and education, and taking more action on climate change.
Chief Minister Andrew Barr (pictured) laid out the responsibilities of each Minister in the new Cabinet and said he would take charge of the ACT’s climate change response through the new Climate Action portfolio.
“Deputy Chief Minister Yvette Berry will lead the Government’s work to implement one day of free early learning for three-year-old’s as Minister for Early Childhood Development,” Mr Barr said.
“Yvette will also take on the Youth Affairs portfolio as Minister for Education,” he said.
“Mick Gentleman will continue as Minister for Planning and Land Management, focusing on completing the Territory Plan Review over the next term of Government.”
“Mick also adds Corrections and Industrial Relations and Workplace Safety to his portfolios.”
Mr Barr said ACT Greens Leader, Shane Rattenbury would be Attorney-General and was tasked with bringing forward legislation to increase the age of criminal responsibility in the Territory.
“Having helped manage the health impacts of COVID-19 on our community, Rachel Stephen-Smith will continue as the ACT’s Minister for Health,” the Minister said.
“Chris Steel will continue as the ACT’s Transport and City Services Minister and Minister for Skills.”
Mr Barr said Mr Steel would also take on a new role as Special Minister of State to help drive improvements in Government operations including expanded digital services, access to information and cyber security.
He said the new Cabinet included three new female Ministers, Tara Cheyne as the Minister for Business and Better Regulation; Rebecca Vassarotti as the Minister for the Environment; and Emma Davidson as Assistant Minister for Families and Community Services.
He said the 2020-2021 ACT Budget would be delivered in February.
The full Cabinet rundown for the 10th ACT Legislative Assembly can be accessed at this PS News link.