The Chief Health Officer has issued guidance to the Education Directorate, setting out considerations for all schools planning end of year events, including formals and graduation ceremonies.
The Education Directorate said events of this type were important parts of the fabric of school life.
“They celebrate the achievements of our students and families – and it is important that they go ahead,” the Directorate said.
“Like all things in 2020 however, these end-of-year events are going to look a little different,” it said.
“In view of the risks associated with transmission of COVID-19 this year we are asking schools to consider carefully how to plan and host modified end of year events.”
The Directorate said that end of year events would need to be conducted in line with the general advice about physical distancing for adults, good hand and personal hygiene, and density limitations.
It said events would also need to be conducted in line with the specific guidance provided by the Chief Health Officer.
“The students, staff and families that make up our school communities are wonderfully creative people,” the Directorate said.
“While school formals, graduations and other events in 2020 might not look exactly like they have in the past, this presents an opportunity for our schools and our students to try something new – to chart new ground and make these events something truly unique,” it said.
The guidelines for school formals, graduation ceremonies and other education end of year activities can be accessed at this PS News link.