The union representing Maltese health and social service workers says Public Servants seeking to telework often face “sceptical management reluctant to approve such arrangements”.
This is even though the Government has pronounced itself in favour of working from home, the UĦM Voice of the Workers said.
The union has been insisting that any Public Servants who can reasonably telework should be allowed to do so, particularly in light of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.
In a statement following journalists’ requests for clarification, the Government stated that requests for teleworking should not be denied unless there was a valid reason.
The statement said Public Servants should register their complaints, and might even be financially compensated if their complaints were upheld.
A union spokesperson said Public Servants had always had the option to apply for telework in line with the Public Service Management Code, which states that “such arrangements may neither be imposed by management nor demanded as of right by the employee”.
“Even though in theory everyone can apply for telework, some places of work are making it difficult for employees to apply,” the spokesperson said.
“This union is informed that telework is being approved only in a few minor cases and then for only a few hours per week,” they said.
The spokesperson said management remained sceptical about telework “since there is the impression that work is done only if the person reports to the office”.
Valetta, 31 August 2020