The Territory has formally begun its move towards phasing out select single use plastics with the tabling of an exposure draft of the proposed Plastic Reduction Bill 2020.
Announced by the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD) it was realised that immediately phasing out of single-use plastics could present difficulties to businesses that were adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Minister for Recycling and Waste Reduction, Chris Steel said the phase out was expected to begin in July 2021, banning the sale and supply of single-use plastic cutlery, stirrers and polystyrene food and beverage containers such as plates, cups, bowls and ‘clamshell’ takeaway containers.
“This transition period recognises that affected sectors like the events and hospitality industries are currently in hibernation during the pandemic or are just trying to survive, and that they may need to use up any existing stock that they have,” Mr Steel said.
“The release of the exposure Bill is a clear signal that the transition to better alternatives begins now, and we will continue to work with stakeholders on the ACT Plastic Reduction Taskforce as we implement the phase out, with the final Bill introduced before the end of the year,” he said.
Mr Steel said the Bill would also see the ACT become the first jurisdiction to declare public events single-use plastic free, with a focus on designated large-scale events.
“Plastic‑free events could include Floriade and the National Multicultural Festival, as well as privately run major sporting matches and festivals,” he said.
“This Bill will see ‘plastic free’ events become the norm in the Territory rather than a one off ‘nice to do’.”
He said that in 2022 the Territory would seek to expand the phase out to include items such as plastic fruit and vegetable barrier bags and oxo-degradable plastic products.
“Plastic straws will also be phased-out in 2022, however we will continue to work with key stakeholders in the health and disability communities to implement the ban and ensure they remain available to those who need them,” Mr Steel said.
Further information and instructions on how to comment on the exposure draft can be accessed at this PS News link.