Infrastructure Western Australia (IWA) has released its State Infrastructure Strategy Discussion Paper.
The paper is the first step in the development of a 20-year plan for the State’s infrastructure.
Chair of IWA, John Langoulant said the first State Infrastructure Strategy would provide important advice to the Government, identifying Western Australia’s infrastructure needs and priorities over the next two decades.
“The release of the discussion paper marks the start of an eight-week engagement period in which Infrastructure WA will conduct 14 workshops across the State and seek feedback through an online submission format,” Mr Langoulant said.
“Stakeholders from across Western Australia and beyond are encouraged to provide feedback on the issues and proposals outlined in the paper.”
Premier, Mark McGowan said infrastructure investment was critical for the State’s future and would not only support a strong, resilient and diversified economy, but would also create long-term jobs and provide greater certainty to industry.
“As Western Australia continues to recover from COVID-19 in the short term, Infrastructure WA will provide the State Government with advice for investment and will help inform major infrastructure developments over the medium and long-term,” Mr McGowan said.
“It’s vital we have a pipeline of projects to build and develop communities and shape the State for generations to come while supporting local workers in jobs right along the way.”
“My Government’s focus on planning for future infrastructure, and investing in the right projects at the right time, will be informed by Infrastructure WA’s State Infrastructure Strategy.”
The IWA 95-page Discussion Paper can be accessed at this PS News link.