Aboriginal businesses were awarded more than five per cent of all Government contracts from July to December last year, well in excess of the target of two per cent.
According to the Department of Finance, 90 contracts, worth more than $83 million, were awarded to 51 registered Aboriginal businesses in the period. All but one of them were in Western Australia.
Minister for Finance and Aboriginal Affairs, Ben Wyatt said that in the July-to-December period last year the two per cent target was met by 18 Government Agencies, and four of these awarded more than 10 per cent of their contracts to Aboriginal businesses.
In addition, the Department of Finance hosted two Aboriginal Business Expos since the implementation of the policy to promote businesses and services available to Government Agencies.
“I am pleased to see continued growth in the Aboriginal business sector, following solid results from year one of the policy in practice,” Mr Wyatt said.
“A significant increase in the number and value of Government contracts awarded in the first six months of this financial year illustrates the ongoing success of this policy.”
He said the results also highlighted the impressive range, ability and capacity of Aboriginal businesses servicing the community in Western Australia.
“Some Agencies are well exceeding the Government’s policy targets, while others have more work to do,” Mr Wyatt said.