26 September 2023

Illegal firewood comes with heavy fines

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The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is reminding residents across the Central West that it’s illegal to collect firewood in national parks, State conservation areas and nature reserves.

Central West Area Manager at NPWS, Fiona Buchanan said it was important that residents around Bathurst, Orange, Dubbo, Condobolin, Forbes and Grenfell were aware of the heavy fines that apply to the illegal collection of firewood.

“We are getting the message out there that collecting firewood, including dead wood and fallen trees, is not permitted in national parks,” Ms Buchanan said.

“Dead hollow-bearing trees and woody debris provide habitat for many endangered native animals in the Central West,” she said.

“Illegally cutting down dead trees and removing this fallen timber for firewood destroys critical habitat that these animals depend on for survival.”

Ms Buchanan said fallen timber in the State’s national parks was not a low-cost option for heating during the winter.

“NPWS uses surveillance cameras in parks to detect illegal activities, including firewood collection,” she said.

“On-the-spot-fines apply, and very large fines can be handed out by the courts.”

She said that last year, three individuals in Forbes had received $7,100 in fines and court costs for the collection of illegal firewood.

Ms Buchanan said firewood collection was permitted in some Forestry Corporation State forests, however those wishing to collect firewood must obtain a permit before doing so.

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