Parents are being asked to keep children home from school if they have travelled to China or been in contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus.
NSW Chief Health Officer, Kerry Chant said any child who had been in contact with a person confirmed to have novel coronavirus must not attend school or childcare for 14 days after the last contact with the infected person.
“Fourteen days represents the internationally-recognised incubation period for the disease,” Dr Chant said.
“After this time the child is considered not to be at risk of infection,” she said.
Minister for Health, Brad Hazzard said children who had visited China in the past two weeks should not attend school or childcare services until 14 days had lapsed since their date of departure from China.
“Although the risk to children was very low, the NSW Government has taken this step as a precautionary measure,” Mr Hazzard said.
“I’ve been advised that it’s not medically necessary, but the NSW Government has acted in line with community expectations to ensure the safest possible environment for our students,” he said.
“Advice about not attending school has already been provided to any close contacts of confirmed cases.”
Mr Hazzard said the Department of Education had issued guidance to schools and childcare services across NSW on protocols in the event of a child becoming sick.
Further Government information on novel coronavirus can be accessed at this PS News link.