25 September 2023

12th National Public Sector Women in Leadership Summit 23-27 July, Canberra

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Change is an integral part of daily life in the Australian Public Service. Change calls for existing and emerging leaders to be adaptive in their decisions. By fostering innovation, navigating transformation and overcoming any obstacle standing in your way, you will be able to lead your team and organisation to a better future.

Liquid Learning’s 12th National Public Sector Women in Leadership Summit provides existing and emerging leaders within the Australian Public Service a platform to network, learn and grow. We invite all leaders and emerging leaders to join in this progressive conversation.

Join influential senior leaders in Case Studies, Expert Commentaries, and Panel Discussions as they discuss the future of leadership within the Australian Public Service.


● The role of passion in leadership

● Resilience in times of trouble and transformation

● Why leadership matters within the Australian Public Service

● Lead in a complex and dynamic environment

● The next steps for redefining our future

Featured Speakers Include:

● Jill Charker, Deputy Secretary, Corporate, Department of Jobs and Small†Business

● Senator Claire Moore, Shadow Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Australian Labor Party

● Elizabeth Mildwater, Deputy Secretary, People and Corporate Services, Transport for NSW

● Dr. Peggy Brown, Chief Executive Officer, National Mental Health Commission

Online Agenda: http://liquidlearning.com/documents/PSWL0718A/PSWL0718A_A1.pdf

Phone: 61 2 8239 9700

Email: [email protected]

Booking Code: PSWL0718A – A1

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