25 September 2023

MALAYSIA: Change of Government to test PS

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The shock change of Government in Malaysia had Public Servants holding their breath over what their future might be with new masters for the first time since the colonial era.

Their fears were not allayed when, in one of his first pronouncements, new Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad (pictured right) said “heads must fall among those who aided and abetted” outgoing Prime Minister, Najib Razak, who “the world describes as a kleptocrat”.

Mr Mahathir said he would look into Attorney-General, Mohamed Apandi Ali; Chair of the Election Commission, Mohd Hashim Abdullah; and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

However, the workers’ union, the Congress of Union of Employees in the Public and Civil Services Malaysia (Cuepacs) remains optimistic, saying it has not received any complaints about the termination of staff.

President of Cuepacs, Azih Muda said all had been quiet in the first days of the new administration.

“The people and the Civil Servants will need to trust Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamad to make the best choice for the country,” Datuk Azih said.

He said he hoped the new Government would also look into the cost of living for PS employees, especially those on lower incomes.

When asked about the incentives for PS staff that the previous Government had proposed in the leadup to the General Election, Datuk Azih urged calm.

“There is no need to worry, give your trust to the new Government,” he said.

Datuk Azih said Cuepacs would continue to “stand strong” with the Government of the day and to serve the people.

Kuala Lumpur, 16 May 2018

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