25 September 2023

SINGAPORE: PS to take on culture role

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Public Service Agencies in Singapore will extend their whole-of-Government approach to embrace a “whole-of-nation” culture, the Minister responsible says.

Minister for Trade and Industry, Chan Chun Sing (pictured) said this would be done by establishing partnerships with business, citizens and other stakeholders to develop better solutions to national problems.

The initiative follows on from the address at the opening of Parliament by President, Halimah Yacob.

Mr Chan said the Public Service Division (PSD), a unit inside the Prime Minister’s Office, would reach out to others, whether overseas or in the private sector, to hear their views, learn from their successes and failures, and improve itself along the way.

In explanation, political observer Lam Peng Er said while a whole-of-Government approach was state-driven, a whole-of-nation approach would be more of a partnership between the Government and different segments of society.

Mr Chan said the aim was to champion innovation and test new ideas.

“We will respond quickly to issues on digital technologies as an enabler,” Mr Chan said.

He said the PSD would continue to invest in and develop engineers, and develop Singapore’s city infrastructure.

“We are training public officers in data analytics and digital literacy, so as to better understand citizens’ needs and improve public services,” Mr Chan said.

“All public-sector Agencies are developing plans to transform their operations and services, for example, by grouping services provided by different Agencies together, to better serve citizens at key moments in their lives.”

In a further announcement, Deputy Prime Minister, Teo Chee Hean will oversee a Strategy Group that will focus on three broad agenda items.

Mr Teo said it would first develop and implement policies to enable all Singaporeans to age with purpose and dignity; second, it would make Singapore a great place for families, where marriage and parenthood were achievable, enjoyable and celebrated.

“Third, it will maintain a careful balance in the foreign worker and immigrant flows,” Mr Teo said.

Singapore, 11 May 2018

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