Transport Canberra’s first Transport Action Plan Quarterly Update has revealed that the city’s weekend buses returned a near perfect score for reliability in October.
The Minister for Transport and City Services, Chris Steel said the updated weekend timetable had helped to ensure that Canberrans had a reliable public transport network.
“I am very pleased that as a result of our interim updated weekend timetable, Transport Canberra has met its reliability target on three of the four weekends, with reliability at 99.8 per cent on these weekends,” Mr Steel said.
“Over 150,000 journeys were recorded over the past four weekends, which is approximately 27,000 more than in the same period last year,” he said.
“Weekend reliability earlier in the year was not hitting the mark.”
Mr Steel said the Transport Action Plan was released last month to ensure community expectations on weekend services were being met.
The Plan set out 10 actions to improve weekend bus reliability.
“Work has commenced on nine of the 10 actions, with two of the actions already being completed: the introduction of a revised weekend bus timetable, and having six standby drivers being available at each of the bus depots,” said Mr Steel.
He said recruiting and training more bus drivers was another key action to deliver improved weekend reliability and Transport Canberra had made real progress in recruitment of drivers.
“It’s great to see so many enthusiastic people wanting to become a bus driver,” Mr Steel said.
The 7-page quarterly update can be accessed at this PS News link.