Starting this week with a story of resurrection in our quote of the week spectacularly sported by the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo (pictured) lamenting the apparently terminal cancellation of peace talks with the Taliban over the ongoing military difficulties in Afghanistan.
Asked if he agreed with his President Trump that the peace talks were “Dead, they’re dead”, Mr Pompeo was quoted as saying “For the time being they are.”
Death is obviously not as final for Secretaries of State as it is for us mere mortals!
Fuelled again!
Special mention of the Australian Taxation Office now for a glimmer of capitational comedy in its sober announcement that a cafe operator moonlighting as a used car salesperson in Queensland had fallen foul of the force of law, claiming generous GST refunds that were not legally claimable in his case.
Soulfully declaring the tax-dodger’s demise, the ATO didn’t hold back its glee, creatively headlining its announcement: ‘Fake car salesman’s GST scheme runs out of gas’.
Perhaps less creatively, it probably meant ran out of petrol!
Pommed out!
It’s not often PS-ssssst! turns its feeble mind to the goings on in the mother country but the hot water Her Majesty’s United Kingdom has cooked up for itself and leapt into recently looks positively frighteningly frightful.
Hot on the heels of revealing that its oft-exported Westminster system of Government can’t quite cope with the job of bowing out of the European Common market gracefully, it is now jeopardising its equally proliferant legal system by dumping the hallowed ‘innocence until proven guilty’ doctrine so it can hold Aussie exasperant Julian Assange in custody beyond the end of his jail term in case he runs away.
Apparently it’s not what he does but what someone thinks he might do that makes him guilty beyond a shadow of doubt.
Such a shame to see one of the planet’s few paragons of virtue fall on its own sword after centuries of acclaimed international leadership.
PS-sssst! wonders if one man –Assange or anyone! – is worth that price.
Future odds
And while on the seemingly apparent demise of English excellence, word has it that the UK bookies have the United Kingdom odds-on favourites to become a modern Republic before Australia does.
Could be worth the gamble!
Rama Again!
Once again it’s time to visit Rama Gaind’s gratuitous giveaway in which lucky readers once again have the chance to once again win a free giveaway … once again.
This week Rama has the acclaimed DVD Finding Steve McQueen in her giveaway grotto, free to the first three readers who can identify for Rama the character in the film who fancied himself as a lot like the characters Steve McQueen portrayed in his movies.
The answer was Harry Barber, played by Travis Fimmel in the film, and the first three correct entrants to emerge from the PS News Barrel of Booty were Sally W from the South Australian Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment, Simon G from the Western Australian Department of Transport and Lyn T from the Queensland Ambulance Service.
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who took part. The free DVDs will be winging their way to their new homes shortly.
In the meantime, to join Rama’s Army of giveaway guerillas – and score a popular PS-sssst! Pack into the bargain -, simply follow this link and try your luck.
Good luck to all who do!
Till next week…..
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