The very well credentialled trio of Georgie Harman, John Mendoza and Luis Salvador-Carulla presented Canberra’s National Press Club with a formidable discussion on Mental health: how to fix Australia’s crisis, and the more we learn the more we realise just how significant the need for better and more comprehensive treatment is needed in this growing arena of healthcare.
How to do it is a harder question and royal commissions, soaring suicide numbers, depression, anxiety and mental health services are at the forefront of what our society desperately needs now to question, understand and act on the scourge that is affecting so many.
We despair at evidence given to investigations into so many aspects of our lives and wonder how best to approach the trauma we’re left to repair.
What do we need to know?
What do we need to implement?
Do we have the support networks we need?
And why are we floundering with what seems insurmountable problems?
Suicide prevention is on the Federal Government’s agenda.
Let’s see how they cope with that.
More than a Health Department website is essential.