27 September 2023

Job lots: The importance of getting recruitment messages across

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Catherine Mattice* says many organisations confuse job descriptions with job announcements — but there’s a big difference that could result in confusion and the wrong candidates applying.

When I work with organisations to create or update their performance management systems, I start by asking to see their job descriptions.

What I get in return is a mixture of job announcements and descriptions, unclear or incomplete descriptions, or an email saying that they don’t have any!

Job descriptions hold employees accountable for their performance and help protect the organisation from risk.

They essentially act as a contract between the employer and the employee.

They lay out tasks, responsibilities, physical requirements, classification and other important information.

From those tasks and responsibilities emerge expectations and core competencies that managers must articulate and enforce to drive employee performance.

Without job descriptions managers can’t possibly communicate expectations effectively, and are left struggling to discuss areas in need of improvement.

Also keep in mind that job descriptions are fluid and may change as the position evolves and as the person in that position grows.

They should be openly discussed at one-on-one’s and during performance conversations when needed.

Job announcements are different documents entirely.

They are marketing assets, meant to attract viable candidates.

Announcements should include a description of the position, key qualifications and information about the organisation’s culture.

Also share why this position is important to the organisation’s success.

Don’t get too caught up in sharing every last detail of the job, save that for the interview.

Your announcement should give people enough information to apply, and ensure you’re getting the right candidates.

People don’t need to know that the executive assistant job will require some filing, for example.

Also think about how the announcement can speak to your culture.

If your culture is fun, then one of the responsibilities for a project manager could be to help the team “kick even more butt than it already has”.

If your culture is more straight-laced, you might try: “Coach our outstanding project team to even greater success.”

If you don’t have job descriptions or are treating your job announcements like job descriptions, it’s time change that.

Put it at the top of your to-do list.

*Catherine Mattice is a consultant and trainer who assists organisations in developing systemic action plans to build positive corporate cultures. She can be contacted at www.civilitypartners.com.

This article first appeared on Catherine’s blogsite.

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