The Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) has developed a list of New Year’s resolutions especially for Public Service employees.
ANZSOG says its aim of creating the collection is to make PS workers fitter, happier and more productive in 2019.
Under the heading New Year, New You, ANZSOG’s findings are:
Declutter your work:
We’re not just talking about tidying your desk (although it might not be a bad idea) but cutting out the superfluous tasks and distractions.
Clear some space in your diary, get rid of the work habits that are wasting your time, and shift your focus from the urgent to the important.
Set some goals:
If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.
Don’t just drift along; think about where you and your team want to be at the start of 2020, work out what you need to do to get there, and make a plan.
Even if you only achieve some of your goals, that’s still progress.
Save money:
How can you improve public value or enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of existing programs?
How could improvements or savings be deployed to benefit the common good? Set a savings goal. Most importantly, stick to it.
Get healthy:
It’s time to put your integrity on the scales. Take a closer look at your personal ethics and cross-check them against your Agency.
What areas need strengthening or more attention? What practical steps can you take to enhance integrity and ethical practice in the public purpose sector?
Challenge yourself:
Don’t get stale. This might be as simple as reading a book that you wouldn’t normally read and assess its application to your work or goals this year.
Find a stretch assignment that puts you in a part of the Public Service you’re unfamiliar with. Volunteer for tasks you would normally avoid.
Seek out new people to work with who challenge your assumptions.
Don’t sit and wait for your career to progress; get the knowledge and skills you need now for the position or role that you want.
Perhaps it’s time to expand your thinking, boost your professional toolkit or plug gaps in your knowledge.
Get motivated:
Now is a good time to remind yourself of what you love about your job, and why you joined the Public Service.
Find a quote that captures your passion; stick it to your screen or cubicle to remind yourself why you are doing what you do. It’s simple but effective.
Peace of mind is everything, so if your jurisdiction is facing an election this year, be prepared by reading up on caretaker conventions and do some strategic work on transitions so you have things prepared and on hand for a potential new Government.
Full details of the list can be accessed on the ANZSOG website at this PS News link.