25 September 2023

New Guide for domestic violence victims

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An updated version of the guide for women contemplating seeking a Family Violence Order has been released by the Minister for Women, Yvette Berry.

Ms Berry said Your Court, Your Safety: a Guide to Getting a Family Violence Order in the ACT provided an overview of the nature and dynamics of domestic and family violence.

“This guide is designed to help women recognise domestic and family violence and to know what supports are available to them,” Ms Berry said.

“A Family Violence Order is one of the main options women in the ACT have to respond to violence and protect their safety,” she said.

Your Court, Your Safety provides a clear overview of the process of applying for a Family Violence Order and practical information about what to expect when attending court.”

She said one of the things she often heard was the difficulty women and families had in navigating the legal system, particularly in the case of domestic and family violence where the parties involved were often stressed and not sure of what to expect.

“First launched in 2012, Your Court, Your Safety has been updated to reflect recent changes to the law in the ACT,” Ms Berry said.

“The definition of family and domestic violence has been amended to explicitly include all forms of violence — physical, sexual, emotional, financial and financial violence.”

She said the amendments also improved protections for people applying for an order. A self-represented respondent could no longer cross-examine the applicant themselves in a final hearing.

The guide also provides referral information about a broad range of services in Canberra which can help people, beyond legal assistance.

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